Radio Program: “Intersection”
Radio program Intersection was aired first time in 1992 when the Russian Speaking community in Toronto just settled up. The radio show airs on 88.9 FM in Southern Ontario and on online on Radio Nova Toronto around the world.
Intersection’s popularity is extremely high, in the first place because the radio listeners are able to speak out in the open air making a phone call. Igor Toutchinski and Sergei Serebryansky are perpetual hosts of Intersection, its pointsmen. According to the data provided by CIRV Radio FM, the Intersection audience is 140,000.
This radio program contains programs devoted to contemporary issues including many subjects of interest to the community. This is an open conversation about problems of professional and social adaptation in Canada, health care, education and culture. News block includes review of world and Canadian news. Also featured is extensive coverage of events taking place in Ontario and the GTA. Prominent politicians, community leaders are frequent studio guests. Intersection is constantly having draws and plays new Russian music clips. Therefore, it comes as no surprise how effective is advertising here for the Russian language market; in fact, many advertisers did not leave 88.9 FM for numerous years. The show is broadcasted on Saturdays for two and half hours.
To become a direct participant of the show call the studio at 416-532-9495